Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Return to the mat - week 1

     I have felt good these past few days.  My home PT has been going well and my back feels like it's ready to get on the BJJ mat.  My Dr. had told me a few weeks ago that I could return to practice as long as I took it easy and let pain and common sense be my guide.  I gave it an extra few weeks to continue strengthening my core and tonight was the night.
     After teaching the kids and then the adult class, I felt warmed up enough so I got a 5 minute sparing session in tonight during Jiu Jitsu rounds.  Always important to choose your partners wisely and in this case even more so.  I chose another brown belt that I trust and we started our roll.  It was a smooth technique roll and I made a good effort to remember to keep it slow and protect my back both literally and sport wise.  Those of you that do BJJ will understand that previous reference.  I found it very easy to quickly engage in a higher speed roll and had to reign myself back in more then once.  My competitive side is still there and it's going to be a long road trying to keep it in check.  5 minute round completed and I was surprise by how well I felt afterwards.  No pain so far.  I guess tonight/tomorrow will be the true test.  Hopefully I sleep well and don't wake with any new pain from over doing it tonight.  If tonight's grappling session is any indication - I'm feeling very hopeful!

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