Sunday, April 16, 2017

Planes, classrooms, hotels and leg pain...

Planes, classrooms, hotels and leg pain...
Monday April 10th - Sunday April 16th 2017:

Update - Spondylolisthesis BJJ

I spent this week at a Microsoft Training class which means I flew on planes, stayed in a hotel room and sat in a technical classroom all week.  This apparently wrecked havoc on my back as I'm now experiencing new pain.  I've had grade 1 spondylolisthesis at the L4/L5 area for almost a year and the pain has been confined to my back.  For the past several days, I'm now getting pain in my right leg on the side of my shin area.  I've got an appointment with my Dr. on Wednesday to see what he thinks and maybe ask about getting an MRI of my back.  I've only had xrays of my back. 

I've done no core exercises this week and only a limited amount of stretching.  The pain is mostly constant in my leg but it does seems to be less at certain times and more at others but always on.

Here's hoping I get some good news and maybe he tells me it should go away on its own...

Monday I did 15 minutes on an elliptical machine at a slow controlled pace.  I also did some upper body weight training with light weights.  I did a few stretches throughout the week but not very much.  No core exercises as I was in my hotel room in the evening and at the training class all day.  The sitting in the training classes, waiting around at airports and flying on the planes did not help and is probably what kicked off this new pain episode. 

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