Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Return to coaching BJJ

After 6 weeks off from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and 4 weeks of physical therapy it was time to return to coaching BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu).  I must say I missed teaching, training and all my students and training partners!  The Dr. gave me the all clear as long as I take it easy with only very lite contact if any.  So I am to coach for the next 4 weeks and use this time to continue to strengthen my core even more. 

I took the class thru a lite warmup and then we drilled a few techniques and then to sparing.  Only once did I have to catch myself from accidentally putting myself in a bad position during instruction.  I realized it as it was happening and asked some of the senior students in the class to demonstrate for me.  I'm looking forward to trying to spar lite maybe next week. 

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